Hi everyone! My name is Nicole and I am a brand new blogger! Some of you may be followers of my two fabulous sisters,
Rachel and
Tara! They've been blogging for years, and I have yet to join all of the fun until now!!
A little about me..
I am 25 years old and a Registered Nurse in Surgery here in Northwest Arkansas. I am currently in grad school to be a Nurse Practitioner. In addition to that I am recently engaged to my wonderful fiancé, Aaron! Our wedding date is this September 8th!! I am in full wedding planning mode along with taking classes for grad school. (Not to mention my best friend Leslie is getting married this July!)
Lord help me!!! Bring on the excitement! So I felt, not only would all of this
drama fun be perfect for a reality show on E!, but on a blog of course! I have a Westie named Wintson, and you will be seeing him A LOT on this blog, fair warning. He's the cutest pup in the whole world! Aaron, my fiancé, is my handsome cowboy, hence the name of the blog. One of his favorite hobbies is roping. You wouldn't necessarily guess that he's a cowboy when you meet him, but he sure is! We have a barn in our backyard and two horses! (no chickens allowed..) Besides his amazing blue eyes, my favorite thing about Aaron is his sense of humor, which is something I find so important for a man to have. He's always making me laugh! He's very hard-working, loving and responsible. I know he will always take care of me (and Winston, even though he wouldn't admit he loves Winston) and I can't wait to marry him!

My family is by far the best family in the world! My sisters, mom and I are best friends. We do so much together and have so much fun! I feel very thankful to have such strong relationships with them.
My friends are also something I cherish as well! My group of friends has been close since junior high/high school!! We all went to different colleges and made new friends, and yet we still all have the same strong relationships we've always had. I have so much fun with them and am so excited to share all of my wedding fun with them as well!
I am SUPER excited to finally start a blog! Let's see if I can juggle blogging, planning a wedding, taking classes, planning my friend's bachelorette party/shower, working and taking call, and being the best fiancé-sister-mamma to winston-daughter-friend-coworker anyone could ask for! haha This is going to be one fun summer!! I can't wait!!!