Sunday, July 8, 2012

Bestie's Bachelorette Weekend!

A weekend in Dallas with about 16 pretty girls full of wedding shower and bachelorette party excitement was what my weekend consisted of a couple weeks ago!  My best friend Leslie is getting married in TWO weeks!!! Que the girly squeals of excitement and happy tears! We've been best friends since we were about 13 years old and I still can't believe we're both getting married this year!  (we got engaged within a week of each other!) Total cliche best friend story and I love it!  She's actually getting married in Cabo with just family and then they are having a reception here in Fayetteville with all of their friends.  Leslie lives in Dallas and between all of the normal summer chaos and my wedding stuff too, it has been really hard to cram all of the showers/parties in on the open weekends.  Les decided to have her Dallas bridal shower and her bachelorette party the same weekend.  Seemed like a good and convenient idea but BOY was it exhausting! And BOY was it FUN!!! I helped plan the bridal shower here from Arkansas with some girls she is friends with in Dallas and her mother.  It turned out great! I chose a fairytale theme with a carriage, pearls, lace, and some of her grandmothers vintage jewels!  We had a great turn out and Leslie got SOO many awesome gifts!! Here are some pictures for ya!

Some of the Hostesses

Leslie with her MIL and Mother

The Hostesses with Leslie

Leslie with her Bridesmaids

All of the girls

The hostess gifts Les got for us!

What we got for Les!

    Once the shower was over, we cleaned up, went and had a quick snack to keep us going, then went straight to bachelorette party planning mode!  We went on a wild goose chase picking up cupcakes and 30 balloons in a place we didn't know our way around.  Good memories were made!  We finally got to Hotel Zaza to check into our rooms and start decorating.  The room was perfect!  We had a balcony right above the pool/bar area.  I decorated the little table/desk area with purple/pink/white cupcakes, pictures of Leslie and her friends, candy, champagne punch in a big hot pink drink dispenser, a sign that said "She's not married yet, she's the bachelorette!" and glow stick necklaces for fun! Leslie was getting her hair and make-up done while we all hurried to make it all perfect for her!  Once she arrived we finished getting ready, went to dinner at Dragonfly at the hotel and had an AMAZING dinner!  Then we went up to the room (which she hadn't seen yet) and surprised her with her lingerie shower with fun games and good drinks!  We later went out and continued to celebrate her last days of being single! I wouldn't change a thing about the weekend and the exhaustion we all felt was just the consequence of having a great time!  She totally deserved it!! MORE PICTURES!!

It was so much fun!  Next trip to Dallas will be my bachelorette party!! WHOO HOOO it's getting so close!! TWO months from today and I'll be married!  I can't believe it's going by so fast! :) once again, que the girly squeals and happy tears!! :)


  1. Looks like an amazing shower & bachelorette party! Love all of ya'lls dresses so pretty! :-)

  2. You did a great job planning the parties! I love the fairy tale theme! Is it weird that I hope her husband's name is Tim (because of her being in TX and Mrs. Riggs...from Friday Night Lights)? :) Also, I saw your engagement announcement in the paper while my husband and I were on our way to church, and I squealed, "Hey, I follow her blog! And her sisters'!" I think my husband thought it was so weird and crazy (he does know what a blog is--he just follows political and techy ones), but I check the High Profile section every week to look at the engagement/wedding/anniversary announcements and social events. The announcement looked great. :) Congratulations to you, too!
